National Varroa Mite Management Program - Education and Training

Education and training is a key part of the National Varroa Mite Management Program. Through this program, online and face to face training is being developed and delivered nationally, along with the development of a range of resources, to support the change from eradication to management of Varroa destructor, first discovered in New South Wales on 22 June 2022.

Varroa Management face to face training

A one-day face to face workshop, Introduction to Varroa Mite Management has been developed and is currently being delivered in NSW and at the same time is being reviewed ready for national delivery. It introduces the key aspects of understanding and managing Varroa mite to assist beekeepers to prepare for and manage this worldwide pest of honeybees.

The workshop is aimed at commercial and recreational beekeepers and are being held across various locations in each state. Some workshops are targeted specifically for commercial or recreational beekeepers, and some are for both. They will provide beekeepers with the latest information on Varroa mite and managing varroa mite in your hives.

About the workshop

The FREE one day workshop Introduction to Varroa Mite Management provides information on:

  • Understanding Varroa mite and its impacts
  • The importance of monitoring and treatment thresholds
  • Integrated pest management and Varroa
  • Chemical treatment options including organic options
  • Brood location, frame rotation and management
  • Best practice record keeping

The workshops are presented by experienced trainers and beekeepers with knowledge and practical skills in Varroa mite management

There are a limited number of workshops to be delivered. Participants will need to register to attend.


A range of resources will be developed through this program including fact sheets, videos and webinars.

More information

Online training is coming soon!