A well-devised property plan with strategies and options is essential to planning for and managing through drought. It helps to determine the direction for your business by considering the current natural resources and infrastructure of the property.

There are a few steps to developing a property plan and these include:

  • an audit of the natural resources of the property
  • developing strategies to address the key natural resource management issues of water, soils, vegetation and wildlife
  • integrating business objectives and production plans with sustainable land management practices.

We have a number of eLearning courses available on this subject including both free, bite-sized modules and more in-depth, accredited courses. See below for the range of online courses currently on offer.

Type: Short course Units: 1

Rural fencing operations

Fencing is not just wire, wood and steel. You need a reason to build a fence. And a design. Tocal’s two-day course can get you started. Learn how to build a fence that will work for you.