Tocal College is part of the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, which is a department of the NSW Government. Our social media channels are a way to share information about the activities of the College, and the work of NSW DPIRD and the wider Agricultural industries of NSW. On our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin pages you will find general information and updates, promotion of our education resources and events, job opportunities both within NSW DPIRD as well as the general farming community, as well as images and videos that that tell the stories of primary industries across NSW.

Please note that posts, and comments on posts, on our social media pages are not representative of the opinions of Tocal College or NSW DPI, nor do we confirm their accuracy. Please do your own due diligence when applying for a job, or acting on information shared or commented on these pages.

We encourage the expression of opinions and open discussion, but we do want people to act responsibly, treat each other respectfully and keep their contributions constructive.

We reserve the right to delete comments or block users who engage in a non-constructive manner.

Comments will be deleted if they:

  • violent, obscene, profane, hateful, derogatory, illegal or racist comments, content, links or images that incite such comment or behaviour
  • comments that threaten or defame any person or organisation
  • solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any financial, commercial organisations
  • multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user
  • repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users
  • offensive, inaccurate, false, misleading or deceptive comments or content
  • material which infringes third party intellectual property rights
  • posts that contain personal information that may endanger your own or someone else’s privacy
  • any other inappropriate content or comments as determined by Tocal College‘s absolute discretion

To the extent permitted by law, Tocal College is not responsible or liable for any content posted on or uploaded to our social media pages by a user or any content on third party sites linked to this site.

Posts on our social media pages do not necessarily represent the view of Tocal College or the NSW Government. Users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency of the information with the appropriate officer of the department or the user’s independent adviser.

Please do not post any personal or sensitive information. You will never receive a request from us through Facebook for such information.