Protection under Australian Consumer Law

As a learner undertaking a vocational education and training course, you are protected under Australian Consumer Law and under State and Territory consumer protection laws. These protections include areas such as unfair contract terms, the consumer guarantees, to statutory a cooling-off period, and unscrupulous sales practices. You can find out more information about your rights as a consumer from the Australian Consumer Law website which includes a range of helpful guides relating to specific areas of protection. Please visit the following site for more information: Australian Consumer Law.

Full-time students and trainees

External/online students

Certificates and Diplomas in Conservation and land management, Agriculture, and students doing Recognition of Prior Learning:

Privacy notice

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Tocal College is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

The purpose of this policy and related procedure is to establish guidelines to:

  • identify students in need of LLN support
  • establish staff guidelines to assist students with LLN needs.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Policy and Procedure (PDF, 282.21 KB)

Trainer and assessor code of conduct

Visitor Access Policy for Tocal College

  • During normal office hours, ALL visitors must report to the office and sign IN and OUT.
  • Visitors to the College after hours must report to the Duty Officer, either in person or by phone. As soon as they are able to meet with the Duty Officer, they must sign themselves in. They must also report their departure when they leave.
  • Visitors must have the support of a current resident student or member of staff who agrees to accept responsibility for them. This person should be recorded as accepting this responsibility.
  • All visitors must depart the College by 10 pm unless they have the permission of the Principal, Deputy Principal or Duty Officer.
  • Visitors are generally restricted to the Main Residential area. They are not permitted at Glendarra, the Flats or Computer Room. Current students and the close family of residents are the exception to visits to the Flats and Glendarra (access by current students to the Flats and Glendarra will be closely monitored and restricted on an individual basis, as necessary).
  • If one or more resident students object to a visitor, they are to discuss their objection with the Deputy Principal or the Principal.
  • The Duty Officer has the right to deny a visitor's entry or to ask them to leave at any time. If the visitor wishes to appeal this decision, they may do so through the Principal or the Deputy Principal.
  • All visitors are to obey the normal rules of the College at all times. It is the responsibility of the person hosting them to inform them of these rules and to monitor their behaviour.
  • Any visitor not obeying the above rules will not be permitted to visit the College until further notice.
  • Specific visitors may be denied the right to enter the campus depending upon their history with the College and any perceived risk they may represent. If a student is to be listed as such then their prohibition must be agreed upon by the Principal.

Special conditions

  • During the first 6 weeks of term, visitors to the College after 5.30 pm are strongly discouraged. This allows new students to settle in and become comfortable in their accommodation without the distraction of unfamiliar faces. Close family may visit if it is in the interest of student welfare and if it has been approved by the Principal or Deputy Principal. Past students should not visit after hours during these weeks. If they must meet with current students during this time, they are asked to organise a meeting with them in another safe location, off campus.
  • Past students who were expelled from the course or who did not earn back all the Discipline Demerit points that they may have lost are not permitted on campus, other than the graduation ceremony, until they have had permission to visit approved by the Principal or Deputy Principal. For this approval they must first apply in writing describing why they should be trusted with visiting at times other than the actual graduation ceremony.