6 December, 2023

UPDATE May 2024: A hive movement declaration is no longer required as we transition to varroa management.

Varroa online training and movement permit

Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) was detected in sentinel hives at the Port of Newcastle in June 2022 during routine surveillance by NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI). Since its detection Varroa is now considered endemic in NSW, and the state is now in transition from an Emergency Response to ongoing Varroa Management.

Two zones of operation now exist in NSW, the Varroa Mite Suppression Zone (Green) and the Varroa Mite Management Zone (Orange). There are different rules that apply within the different zones around what you can and cannot do. For more information please visit: NSW DPI Varroa Mite Emergency Response and Varroa Management.

A new free short online course will help build confidence in:

  • Varroa surveillance
  • Monitoring for arrival
  • Monitoring mite loads for management/treatment
  • Integrated Pest Management.

If you are moving bees the requirement to conduct surveillance, report your results and obtain movement declarations remains in both zones. https://forms.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au/forms/12344

As we are now in a Transition to Management, this course has been developed in line with the eligibility requirements of a Hive Movement Declaration and to provide a brief overview of surveillance methods, calculation of mite loads and possible treatment options. When you have successfully completed the course, you will receive a certificate which is a requirement for your Hive Movement Declaration application. Store your certificate in a safe place on your computer as you might need it again in the future.

Online course varroa mite close up