30 August, 2022

Tocal celebrates 50 years since first intake of female students

125 people returned to Tocal College to celebrate 50 years since the first intake of female students. This highly successful event welcomed female graduates from every decade from the 1970’s through to the present day.

The 50 year event included tours of the Tocal farm enterprises, a breakfast function with current students, with the highlight being a formal dinner on the Saturday evening. The dinner featured a panel of distinguished women who shared stories of their time at the college, and where their careers have taken them in agriculture after they graduated.

Another feature of the dinner was an entertaining Auction where more than $7,000 was raised for a new student scholarship.

This event was an important reminder of the critical role that women play at Tocal, in agriculture and the rural communities they live in and Tocal College is pleased to be at the forefront of developing and supporting highly skilled women in the agricultural workforce.

Read coverage from ABC Newcastle: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-29/tocal-college-celebrates-50-years-of-women/101380644

Event photos are being shared on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Tocal thanks all the former students, staff and members of the Alumni that attended this fantastic event. Tocal College is now taking enrolments in the full time course program for the next generation of farm workers and managers.

Tocal College Open Days:
30th September and 7th October 2022.

  • Media contact:

    Robyn Papworth

  • Phone:

    Robyn Papworth

  • Email:
