About this course

Tocal College has proudly partnered with NSW Farmers to deliver this accredited training to you, the business owner, manager, or supervisor, in a way you can understand!

The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in:
  • improving WHS and Staff management in your business
  • understanding the bones of a great WHS management system
  • understanding your legal obligations when it comes to staff
  • attracting and retaining staff
  • effectively managing staff performance to get best out of your team
  • ensuring your paperwork and systems are practical but compliant

At a glance:

Location: Online or Blended Delivery
Course duration: 16 weeks
Number of units: 4
Indicative fees: $1,410 GST-free (Nil to eligible applicants)
Accredited Course: Yes


I completed the WHS & HR training online in 2020. Content which generally can seem dry is made very interesting by this team. Webinars were well run and broken down into manageable topics. Over the 12 weeks you could come away from each webinar, complete your assessments and then implement into your business without feeling overloaded or overwhelmed. I found this delivery ensured that what I learnt was put into practice and by steadily implementing I didn’t overwhelm business partner or employees. A great way of doing to course. “ – Erin, Business Owner, Lockhart NSW


  • Work Health and Safety
    • Understanding legal requirements
    • Keeping your workplace safe
    • Demonstrating due diligence
    • The paper Trail
  • Industrial Relations - Understand your legal obligations
    • Engaging staff and contractors
    • Understand the Pastoral Award
    • Avoiding unfair dismissal
    • The Paper Trail
  • Managing your team
    • Workforce planning
    • Attracting and retaining staff
    • Performance management
    • Getting the best out of your team

$1,410 GST-free

Blended  delivery usually consisting of:

  • two one day workshops spaced 10 weeks apart
  • online component which commences after workshop deliveries and consists of a series of pre-recorded webinars and some workplace tasks
  • online material which will be delivered in bite sized chunks to assist with download speeds
  • remote support for online delivery component.

This course is now fully online.

Note: Completion of all components is required. If you have previously completed the WHS module, credit can be sought. The WHS module must be completed PRIOR to the Staff Management modules.

  • Fully online, self-paced, easy to navigate modules
  • Bite sized, engaging written material and recorded webinars
  • Live interactive Q&A sessions and online forum
  • Ready access to trainer for questions

  • You must meet the eligibility requirements of the NSW funded training program applied under to secure your subsidised training.
  • Participants must commit to completing the online learning after the face to face workshops and have provision to do so.
  • An appropriate level of literacy, computer access and skills, and connectivity is essential.
  • This is accredited training; therefore, assessments are compulsory to meet funding requirements. Support will be provided.
  • A Statement of Attainment will be issued upon successful completion.

This course is aligned to the following national units of competency:

  • AHCWHS402 - Maintain workplace health and safety processes
  • BSBWHS411 - Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
  • AHCWRK409 - Supervise work routines and staff performance
  • BSBCMM412 - Lead difficult conversations

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