About this course

Control pests in cotton. From aphids to whiteflies, and helicoverpa to spider mites and mirids, Tocal’s Cotton Pest Management training will help you get on top of the problem.

The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in:
  • cotton physiology and pest management
  • best-practice methods of pest identification
  • emergency disease and plant pest response
  • pest control techniques.

Developed and delivered by Tocal College in partnership with CottonInfo.

At a glance:

Location: Statewide
Course duration: 2 day interactive workshop and practical sessions.
Start date: Multiple intakes
Number of units: 3
Indicative fees: $1,355 GST free

Fee free to eligible applicants


  • Cotton physiology 101 – really understand a cotton crop
  • The insects and beneficials that affect the cotton industry
  • Insect sampling and plant monitoring
  • Pest control decisions and options
  • What influences the success of pest management in high yielding cotton crop
  • Emergency disease and plant pest response pest control techniques

$1,355 GST-free

Course costs and fee free to eligible participants.

For more information contact a skills training coordinator in your area here

This is a two-day workshop consisting of interactive classroom and field sessions.

  • Two day interactive workshop and practical sessions.
  • Workbook and reference publications are provided.
  • The course is delivered face-to-face.

You must meet the eligibility requirements of the NSW funded training program applied under to secure your subsidised training.

Additional Information

For information on students rights and responsibilities, and the Tocal College Code of Practice see Student policies.