About this course

New APVMA changes for 2, 4-D users require applicators to examine their spray plans and sprayer setups to meet the new label requirements. These amendments are part of the response to significant drift incidents resulting in unacceptably high levels of crop damage across NSW. New cotton varieties that are dicamba tolerant will require cotton growers to pay close attention to their spray application setup and spray plans. The agricultural industry faces the challenge of ensuring spray application practices do not adversely impact on crops within their region.

The delivery of this accredited training, in partnership with Craig Day of Spray Safe & Save, is to specifically selected sectors of production agriculture who are NSW based and experienced spray applicators - growers/advisors/employees and spray contractors.

At a glance:

Location: Statewide
Course duration: See course structure
Start date: Multiple intakes
Number of units: 4
Indicative fees: $1,210 GST-free

Fee free to eligible applicants

Accredited Course: Yes

These courses were designed specifically for our industry and are full of relevant knowledge and information. They have been developed in close association with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Stop Off-Target Spraying (SOS) committee’s consisting of growers, agronomists, key agribusinesses and suppliers. The content is delivered in practical, understandable terms with appropriate demonstrations and are for farm workers, farm supervisors, farm managers, agronomists, growers, spray contractor’s agricultural machinery technicians, spray unit sales personnel and parts technicians.


The workshop will cover:

  • weather
  • drift reduction
  • strategies and technologies
  • how to recognise and avoid inversions
  • chemical label requirements
  • record keeping including spray plans
  • PPE and WHS
  • practical strategies for mixing and applying chemical
  • practical demonstrations using a variety of nozzles and water rates
  • water quality
  • effect of adjuvants in the chemical mix

The workplace visit will cover:

  • development of spray drift management plans – winter and summer - customised to the farming operation – machine, speed, nozzles, etc
  • calibration and testing of spray equipment as per spray plans
  • operation of equipment to ensure accuracy
  • general fine tuning of the machine
  • time for one-on-one discussion to clarify any issues from the workshop.

$1,210 GST-free

Course costs and fee free to eligible participants.

For more information contact a skills training coordinator in your area here

Advanced Spray Application Training – Level 3

  • One day workshop
  • One workplace/on-farm session

  • Blended delivery of workshop and site visits
  • Learning resources are provided

You must meet the eligibility requirements of the NSW funded training program applied under to secure your subsidised training.

Additional Information

For information on students rights and responsibilities see our Policies.