About this course

If you need to report on grasses in your area, this is the course you need. You will learn to recognise features and attributes of a range of your local native and exotic grass species. Includes training in the use of field guides and plant keys to identify grasses in your area, and methods for describing these species. Feel free to bring along grass specimens for identification.

Who should attend the course? Weeds professionals, agency staff and producers

The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in:
  • Inspection of plant specimens
  • Describing plant features
  • Identification of plants using keys
  • Reporting on plant identification

At a glance:

Location: Statewide
Course duration: 2 days
Start date: Multiple intakes
Number of units: 1
Indicative fees: $505 GST-free
Accredited Course: Yes


  1. Inspect plant morphological characteristics
  2. Determine status of health and effect on characteristics
  3. Identify the specimen
  4. Report on the process results

$505 GST-free

Day one

  • Plant taxonomy and classification
  • Identifying features of plants
  • Plant health as it affects identification
  • Use of keys in plant identification

Day two

  • Use of keys in plant identification
  • Plant collection and identification activity

Please note: This program may vary due to venue, weather and client requirements.

  • This course is delivered using both indoor and outdoor instruction.

There are no entry requirements for this course.

This course is mapped to the national unit of competency AHCPCM303 - Identify plant specimens

Additional Information

For information on students rights and responsibilities, and the Tocal College Code of Practice see Industry qualification student policies.