Tocal College and Centre Management

Mr Darren BayleyPrincipal and Centre Director
Mr James HookeDeputy Principal
Mr Robert ReinCentre Manager
Ms Julie WhiteManager, Education Delivery
Ms Sandra OgnibeneRegistrar and Business Manager

Darren Bayley

Principal and Centre Director
Darren is a senior executive with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and leads their education program and Registered Training Organisation, Tocal College. As Principal of Tocal College, Darren oversees a state-wide program in agriculture and conservation and land management for rural industries. He also provides policy advice in education, agriculture and workforce development. Darren is the Director of the Tocal Agricultural Centre and is responsible for the 2,200 hectare property, its numerous commercial farming enterprises, and heritage precinct. He is also Chair of the Tocal Field Days Association. Darren is passionate about the future of agriculture, education and training, and natural resource management. He has qualifications in agriculture, public sector management, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Darren Bayley

James Hooke

Deputy Principal
James is Deputy Principal at Tocal College and manages its Youth Education programs. These include fulltime, nationally accredited courses as well as part time, government funded Traineeships. As Deputy Principal he is responsible for the compliance and performance of these courses in line with VET industry standards and agricultural industry expectations. He also manages student welfare and safety including care for residential students accommodated on site. He works closely with the Property Manager to ensure that practical training opportunities are maximised and that facilities support a comfortable learning environment. Youth Education staff work effectively with those in Education Delivery to provide training to schools programs and for delivery of Industry Skills courses. James grew up in the local, rural community of Dungog and worked for a significant time on the family operated dairy farm, on which he still resides. In between he gained qualifications in agriculture, secondary education and vocational education and training. He is committed to helping young people achieve their aspirations and potential, not just as agriculturalists but as valued and respected community members.

James Hooke

Robert Rein

Centre Manager
Robert took over the Centre Manager role in 2021, coming to us with vast industry experience, mostly working with Toro Australia in their machinery, maintenance and irrigation businesses. He started his career at Tocal College as a dairy apprentice in 1987 and was Dux in Dairying in the same year.  As Centre Manager of Tocal College, Robert is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the key farm enterprises and managing the maintenance of the heritage listed Tocal College precinct. The farm enterprises are commercially sized operations in dairy, beef horses, free range eggs and Dohne sheep. These enterprises provide the platform for the training and development of students in the residential program as well as a base for over 50,000 visitors to the College each year. The College is also a hub for a broad based statewide adult education program. He is also Deputy Chair of the Tocal Field Days Association.

Robert Rein

Sandra Ognibene

Registrar and Business Manager
Sandra Ognibene works for the NSW Department of Primary Industries as College Registrar and Business Manager for their Tocal College, leading a large team that supports student services and welfare as well as provide financial support and advice to the senior management team at the College. Sandra is also Treasurer of the Tocal Field days Association. Before joining the public sector, Sandra spent twenty years in both finance and general management across manufacturing, charity, media, research and the recycling industries. She is a Fellow CPA and a Graduate of AICD which means she can read financial statements and her enjoyment and accomplishments come from supporting and educating business managers and leaders to improve their bottom line. While an accountant, Sandra prefers to keep her creativity confined to her passions for photography, writing and interior decorating.


Julie White

Manager Education Delivery
Julie manages Education Delivery, the adult education program for Tocal College, NSW Department of Primary Industries and leads the delivery of this program across the state. As Manager of Education Delivery, Julie oversees the development and delivery of full qualifications and a large range of accredited skills training courses across the state that are tailored to industry needs. Education Delivery also produces high quality publications and digital resources, including eLearning, that are used across Australia. Staff are based at Paterson and Yanco Campuses, Tamworth and Ourimbah. Julie has worked in education for most of her working life and is passionate about increasing access to education in the agriculture and conservation and land management sector through flexible delivery and clever use of technology. Julie has qualifications in English and history, education and digital media.

Julie White