Tocal College

The College (RTO 91166) is part of the Tocal Agricultural Centre—a Centre of Excellence within NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. It consists of the College, Regional Services and Regulatory programs, Tocal Field Days and Tocal Homestead. The Hunter Local Land Services (LLS) is also located at the Tocal College, CB Alexander Campus.

Tocal College also has a southern campus, Yanco Campus situated at the NSW DPI Yanco Agricultural Institute near Leeton, which provides a wide range of skills training courses, traineeships and the Aboriginal Rural Training Program (ARTP).

Strategic priorities

  • Workforce attraction and entry
  • Workforce capacity and development
  • Access to knowledge and technology for innovative industry development
  • To collaborate and partner with industry to deliver training, and to make available campus facilities for community use.

Graduation Day Report 2024

Report of the annual presentation of diplomas, certificates, and awards.

The College

Tocal College, CB Alexander Campus is situated in the picturesque Hunter Valley about 180 km north of Sydney.

Tocal college campus

History of Tocal

Tocal has a long and proud history, which has seen it established as one of the foremost agricultural institutions in Australia.

Tocal Homestead Archival Photo